Ada Letters--April 2009

Volume XXIX       Number 1     April 2009

Table of Contents

Newsletter Information

From the Editor's Desk 3

Editorial Policy 4

Key Contacts 6

Chairman's Message - A Special Report by SIGAda Chair - John W. McCormick 9

Annual ACM SIGAda 2008 International Conference in Tampa Bay, FL (Nov. 1- 5) 13

ACM SIGAda 2008 Awards 15

System Level Hardware Design and Simulation with System Ada by Negin Mahani, Parnian Mokri and Zainalabedin Navabi 19

AdaCore's "Ada Gems" on Ada 2005 -- Gems 22-30

Gem #22: Ada Speaks Many Languages 23

Gem #23: Null Considered Harmful 25

Gem #24: Null Considered Harmful (Part 2 - Efficiency) 27

Gem #25: How to Search Text 29

Gem #26: The Mod Attribute 33

Gem #27: Changing Data Representation (Part 1) 35

Gem #28: Changing Data Representation (Part 2) 38

Gem #29: Introduction to the Ada Web Server (AWS) 41

Gem #30: Safe and Secure Software: Introduction 45

AdaCore's "Ada Gems" on Ada 2005 -- Gems 31-50

Gem #31: Preconditions/Postconditions 48

Gem #32: Safe and Secure Software: Safe Syntax 50

Gem #33: Accessibility Checks (Part I: Ada95) 51

Gem #34: Safe and Secure Software: Safe Typing 53

Gem #35: bounded buffer package in GNAT hierarchy (Part 1) 54

Gem #36: Safe and Secure Software: Safe Pointers 57

Gem #37: Bounded Buffer package in GNAT Hierarchy (Part 2) 58

Gem #38: Safe and Secure Software: Safe Architecture 61

Gem #39: Efficient Stream I/O for Array Types 62

Gem #40: Safe and Secure Software: Safe Object Oriented Programming 65

Gem #41: Accessibility Checks (Part II: Ada2005) 66

Gem #42: Safe and Secure Software: Safe Object Construction 69

Gem #43: Safe and Secure Software: Safe Memory Management 70

Gem #44: Accessibility Checks (Part III) 71

Gem #45: Safe and Secure Software: Safe Startup 74

Gem #46: Incompatibilities between Ada 83 and Ada 95 75

Gem #47: Safe and Secure Software: Safe Communication 77

Gem #48: Extending Interfaces in Ada 2005 78

Gem #49: Safe and Secure Software: Safe Concurrency 80

Gem #50: Overload Resolution 81

Reusable Software Components, by Trudy Levine 84

Ada Europe Conference 2009, June 8-12, Brest, France 98

International Real-Time Ada Workshop (IRTAW-14) October 7 - 9, Portovenere, Italy 100

A Quarterly Publication of SIGAda,
the ACM Special Interest Group on Ada

Last Update 14 May 2009